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Lithium Battery Fire Extinguishing

Super Strong Digestive Liquor Without Explaining! As you can see in the video, 'lithium battery' fire must be extinguished using a lithium battery-only fire extinguisher. It will not be extinguished with normal fire extinguishing liquid.

In fact, it can be seen that it has evolved into the Elephant 911 digestive fluid of Korea Flame-Proof Technology Co., Ltd.

I did it in Korean fire protection technology. 

The innovation of differentiated Korea Flame-Proof Technology in electric vehicle battery fires will not stop.






Test Method for Evaluating Thermal

Runaway Fire Propagation in Battery

Energy Storage Systems


Also, overcharging a lithium battery is very dangerous.

In the fire reproduction experiment, the electric kickboard created an artificial overcharging environment by applying a voltage 7 times higher, and it exploded in about 10 minutes.

When overcharged, the temperature rises and eventually the solid swells, causing a fire due to swelling.


If the battery explodes on top of the duvet, the flame can spread rapidly and lead to a large fire.

There is a rated voltage for each electronic product, and you have to use a charger that matches it.


Many products use lithium-ion batteries in our homes.

Recently, the fire extinguishing agent of Korea Flame-Proof Technology Co., Ltd. has perfectly succeeded in extinguishing the fire of an electric vehicle lithium-ion battery cell.The reason is that when the fire extinguishing agent developed by us comes into contact with fire, it has a strong cooling action and blocks oxygen due to the suffocation effect.We hope that the fire extinguishing agent of Korea Flame-Proof Technology will be distributed not only in Korea but also in the global ESS market to protect the lives and properties of many people.

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