World's first! Development of eco-friendly infiltration fire extinguishing agent/holding domestic patent/international patent pending. Early fire suppression! 1 minute golden time! You can keep your happy family. One-touch spray / simple fire extinguisher. 360 degree free use. Optimized product for anyone to use easily for fire extinguishing.
In the case of cooking oil fires, which frequently occur in kitchens, appropriate fire response is required. Spraying water on a fire is very dangerous. 'ELEPHANT 911' is a safe product that is easy for anyone to use.
In the event of a fire, early response is very important.
Missing one minute of golden time can lead to a large fire.
Let us protect our precious lives and property.
Welcome to Korea Flame-Proof Technology Co., Ltd. A company that values the environment and human life
This is the “ideology” that Korea Flame-Proof Technology pursues.